Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Workin 9 to 5

So here's an update. I am now teaching 6th grade Language Arts, which I'm super excited about! Cole is a giant! He's like 16 lbs, which is crazy. His current hobbies include eating, farting, laughing and babbling. He goes for his 4 month appointment in a few weeks. I can't believe how quickly he's growing. I'm getting more sleep these days, and breastfeeding has gotten easier. I can't wait to quit pumping. It's a real pain at work. I'm very excited for Halloween, Cole is going to be a Sumo wrestler. :) Also, my cousin is getting married in a few weeks! WOOP WOOP! ;)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I'm still alive! Just super busy. This whole working mom thing bites. I can't even imagine being a single working mom. Mad props to them. Luckily I am loving my new job and that has made things much easier. 
Another exciting development, Cole seems to be moving toward four hours between feedings instead of three. Which means more sleep! Every day I feel a little more sane. :)