Monday, December 19, 2011


And by Firework, I mean explosion, of the poop variety. So Cole has been eating real foods and is currently trying out apples. As we all know apples are great for moving the bowels. Last night John took the baby to change his diaper while I got in the shower.  I'm lathering away when suddenly he comes bursting in holding Cole out in front of him naked (except for his little socks) and says, "Let us in!" He then proceeded to enter the shower where I discovered my baby's back was covered in poo up to his arm pits.  I sprayed him down with the shower, and soaked John in the process. All in all I'd say it was an effective means of clean up.  I must admit that after they left I had a nice laugh. I love that Cole saves all of these lovely poops and pee sprays for his daddy. It almost makes up for me having to wake up with him every night. :)

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