Sunday, December 9, 2012

Think It Over

           Let's pretend the world is ending, and you only have two weeks to live. I'm not saying it is, I'm just saying, if it were. Which it could be. This thought crossed my mind as I was running this morning. What do you do, just go about your business? Then I was thinking about people who get sick, and really only have X amount of time to live.  I'm pretty sure I would just spend every second I could with my baby, and just like, live at Disney or something.
         Running gives me time to think, and this morning I realized I think about some weird stuff. For instance, building endurance to run from zombies. This may have something to do with my recent obsession with The Walking Dead. Today when I was feeling tired during my run, I used this as motivation to keep going. Here's an example of my thoughts while running:

 "Ugh, I don't know if I'm gonna make it five miles."
 "But if I keep going, I'm building endurance to outrun the zombies."
 "I need to remember to go buy some more matches for our emergency bag."
 "I wonder if it will be cold next weekend for the race."
 "I need new running socks."
 "Ugh, my knee is hurting."
 "Keep going, keep going."
 "Those woods look creepy. I could totally see a zombie popping out of there."
 "Ugh, my ankle hurts."
 "Keep going, keep going."
 "I really need to finish grading those essays."
 "Geez it's foggy."
 "I should have worn a shirt with sleeves."
 "I don't think I could run this far in the summer."
 "Am I sweating, or just covered in fog?"

   See, random, and weird. I guess all thoughts are that way, I just never really think about what I'm thinking. That sounds confusing. Anyway, I've got to go watch some more Walking Dead.

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