Thursday, June 23, 2011

We Are Family

This whole baby thing has given me a new appreciation for my parents. Not just because they gave me life, which is awesome,but because of when they gave me life. I mean, they were 18 and 22! That is INSANE to me! Here I am almost 33, and the thought that I am about to have a tiny human to take care of just blows my mind! I can't even imagine being as young as they were and dealing with a baby!! I have always known that they have made HUGE sacrifices for me over the years, but I don't think I really appreciated how absolutely overwhelmed and lost they must have been. And yet, even now, 33 years later, they still make it look so easy! (Of course, some props must be given to my fabulous grandmother, because with out her I'm sure things would have been MUCH worse)   Maybe it's harder when you're older and used to being just a couple. Perhaps I should have gotten an earlier start, but when I think about me at 18 with a kid, I get chills. I know I've done everything at the right time, in the right order. So no matter what I am happy with my choices. I just hope someday my kid will understand and love me the way I do my parents. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's My Life

So I just realized that I am officially "that girl". The one who talks about baby stuff non stop. I just had a phone conversation with one of my best friends and afterwards it dawned on me that 80% of the conversation was baby related. We talked about my pregnancy, other people's labors, etc. Don't get me wrong, we also discussed thrilling things like new restaurants we like. When did I get so boring?! I mean obviously I have an excuse for having no life, but I HATE feeling like the conversation is mostly about me, or a bunch of stuff no one wants to hear about! Of course my friend would never say that because she loves me and is generally interested in my daily life. However, I am still annoyed with myself. Also I've begun to worry that I will become "that other girl". The one who, after she has a baby, expects everyone to adore said baby and want to hear all about it. You know the girl that will go to a party and just talk to people about her baby and show pictures and stuff. I DO NOT WANT TO BE THAT GIRL!  So I am counting on my friends and family to keep me in line. Also, they will need to take me out and give me Grey Goose so pre-baby Chrissy can come out to play. :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bass Down Low

So the OB says nothing is happening yet. Bummer. Now I'm starting to feel like I am ready to get this party started!  Went to the hematologist today and apparently my platelet count has dropped. Not sure what that means, but now I have to go back next week to have my finger pricked again. I feel like a giant pin cushion! These Heprin injections twice a day are a bitch.  I'm all bruised and sore and crap. So over it! Other than that and sciatica, I'm perfectly fine. :) Would love some crazy nesting to kick in. My house is a mess. Again.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Silent Night

37 weeks!! I am officially full term! Woo hoo!
SO, can someone please explain to me why my neighbors think it's ok to let their dog out at 2:30 am so he can sit in the backyard and bark?!?! THEN, just when I thought it was over, they let him back out around 4 am!! I may have to physically harm these people. It's bad enough I have to pee every hour, I don't need more reasons to wake up in the middle of the night. UGH!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tik Tok

 Let's talk about how no one warns you that having your cervix checked IS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! Not like pain really, just, not cool. Thanks for the warning ladies! Anyhoo, I am happy to report that I am 36 weeks and nothing is happening. Meaning all is as it should be. :)  I am SUPER excited that school is out, however now I am just waiting around. Everything is washed, cleaned, organized, etc. So I find myself looking for things to do.  Job hunting is on the top of my list right now. There are a few openings I'm excited about. I'm hoping to go on some interviews next week! Today I am going to meet our pediatrician. After that, I seriously have like nothing baby related left. I am hoping this whole nesting thing kicks in and I'll start like scrubbing the baseboards and stuff. At least it will pass the time...