Thursday, June 23, 2011

We Are Family

This whole baby thing has given me a new appreciation for my parents. Not just because they gave me life, which is awesome,but because of when they gave me life. I mean, they were 18 and 22! That is INSANE to me! Here I am almost 33, and the thought that I am about to have a tiny human to take care of just blows my mind! I can't even imagine being as young as they were and dealing with a baby!! I have always known that they have made HUGE sacrifices for me over the years, but I don't think I really appreciated how absolutely overwhelmed and lost they must have been. And yet, even now, 33 years later, they still make it look so easy! (Of course, some props must be given to my fabulous grandmother, because with out her I'm sure things would have been MUCH worse)   Maybe it's harder when you're older and used to being just a couple. Perhaps I should have gotten an earlier start, but when I think about me at 18 with a kid, I get chills. I know I've done everything at the right time, in the right order. So no matter what I am happy with my choices. I just hope someday my kid will understand and love me the way I do my parents. :)

1 comment:

  1. Tears...of joy! We love you and would never change the way we started, either! Life is done the way it is, to be!! The best part is yet to come!
    :) MOM
