Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Old McDonald Had A Farm

I feel like a cow. Like I'm pretty much just a feeding machine at this point. I'm not sure what I thought breastfeeding would feel like. Maybe I just assumed it would be less time consuming. I was definitely wrong about that. I think I now spend like half the day with my boobs hanging out. Either I am nursing Cole or pumping. Sometimes I think, surely he can't be hungry again! Oh, but he is. Also, this whole "sleep when the baby sleeps" nonsense does not work. How can I sleep in the middle of the day when I have things to do and the phone never stops ringing? Of course John helps as much as he can. He gets up early and lets me sleep for an hour or so before he leaves for work. Unfortunately, an hour or two of sleep at a time just doesn't cut it. I'm hoping Cole will be a quick learner and start sleeping through the night like, possibly next week. A girl can dream right?

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