Sunday, July 31, 2011

Too Tired To Think Of A Clever Song Title

I miss sleep. I really, really do. I'm hoping some day soon John will have a day off and I will get to sleep for an entire night. At least one full night of sleep before I go back to work would be amazing. How do people do this with more than one kid?! The thought of that just hurts my brain. I wouldn't say I'm "non functioning" at this point, but I would say I'm not a happy camper. I am definitely missing the freedom to just go places.  I know it will get better when he is old enough to be out and about. But right now, it sucks. Of course I wouldn't trade it for anything, because I finally have everything I always wanted. But I decided that since I did minimal complaining during my pregnancy, it is ok for me to complain a little now. The other major problem I'm having is breastfeeding. It's painful and a giant pain in the ass. If I'm not nursing, I'm pumping. It's like, my entire world revolves around my boobs right now. I understand the importance of breastfeeding and fully support it. However, I am extremely jealous of mothers who just use formula. I mean really, it would take a huge burden off of my shoulders. For instance, right now the baby is sleeping. So after I finish this I need to pump. When what I really want to do is just go to sleep, but I can't. Then as soon as I try to put him in his bassinet he'll be hungry and I'll have to nurse him. Even if I give him bottled breast milk in the middle of the night I still have to pump. I can't just wake up John and say, "Feed him" and go back to sleep. In conclusion, it sucks and I hate it. So off I go to be milked.

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