Thursday, May 26, 2011

Walkin On Sunshine

So update. I didn't go to the hospital and everything is back to normal. Other than the fact that I am now best friends with Tums.  I've started carrying a bottle in my purse. John's getting really sick of listening to me burp. On a happy note, I've got a three day weekend coming up and only 5 days of work left! SO excited to be able to be home and clean my house and/or float in my mom's pool.  It's getting quite hot out and I may just move in to her pool permanently. Tomorrow we have our end of the year field trip at a park and John is chaperoning with me. The kids are super excited. I'm not really looking forward to hiking through the woods in the heat. I'm thinking John should be the hiking leader, and I might accidentally forget something and send them on ahead and then forget to "catch up" with them. :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Throw It Up

I learned something new today. Acid reflux can actually make you throw up the entire contents of your stomach. Needless to say, my day did not start out well. I called the doctor and spent the day drinking fluids and feeling nauseous. Then I started having Braxton Hicks contractions a lot closer together than normal. So I called the doctor again. Poor lady probably thinks I'm nuts. Anyhoo, she sent me to bed for the day and told me to drink lots of water. This was supposed to make them subside. I have napped off and on all day and drunk about a gallon of water. Guess what, I still have them. So now we're trying to decide if I should call her again. She said earlier if they didn't subside to come to the hospital. I reeeeaaally don't want to do that. :(

Friday, May 20, 2011


I am being attacked from the inside! This little guy is kicking up a storm and it's awesome! The best part is it's happening all throughout the day now. I love poking him back and then he kicks harder. It is so cool! I will be 34 weeks on Sunday. I can't believe how close I am to being done! I still don't think I have fully grasped the fact that he has to come out at some point. As much as I want him here, the reality of it is just surreal. Meanwhile, John is still stuck on putting surround sound in the nursery. I came home the other day to find that he had put the cd changer and speakers under the crib. Mozart was playing when I walked in. I quickly pointed out that, while I appreciate the thought, I really didn't want to crawl under the crib every time I need to change a cd. He cracks me up.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Parents Just Don't Understand

I am going to write a book about parenting that has like tips and suggestions. Here is a top ten list to get me started.

1. Yes, your child needs to be at school every day unless they are puking or have a fever.
2. Your child should have a bed time. An early bedtime. Like before 9:00!
3. Adult television shows are inappropriate for children.
4. There are ratings on video games for a reason.
5. There are ratings on movies for a reason.
6. When you smoke in your house and/or car, not only do your child and all of his/her belongings reek of smoke, but you are also killing them!
7. Homework is important and needs to be completed every night. After school sports are not an excuse for incomplete homework.
8. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your child makes it to school on time.
9. Children learn to take responsibility for their actions when they see their parents do the same.
10. Teachers are not paid to be your babysitter, personal assistant, therapist and/or friend.

I could make this a top 20 or 30 list easily, but I'll save it for the book. I'm thinking the title should be something like: Parenting for Dummies...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Baby I Love Your Way

I have amazing friends and the best mom ever! Yesterday was my baby shower and I can't even believe how beautiful it was! The theme was Bedtime Stories, because I LOVE to read. ( Not only did they pick the perfect theme, but they also had all the foods I've been craving! There was a taco bar, Moe's queso dip, spinach & artichoke dip, ice cream with tons of toppings, brownies AND cake! Cole now has a TON of books in his library, which I am super excited to read to him. All of my family and friends came and brought us wonderful gifts. :) I just can't believe I had a BABY shower, like, for a BABY! Crazy! Now I am in full on clean and organize mode! We still have a lot of things to buy and borrow though. I am just trying to do a little every day while I still have the energy. :) I've also started getting things wrapped up at work. The end of the school year is always so crazy and it goes super fast. I just want to have nothing to worry about in June so I can relax and float in mom's pool! :) Here are some pics from the shower!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Your Cheatin' Heart

I'm feeling like a cheater. Tonight we did our 3D ultrasound and got to see our cute little man! It was so cool and I absolutely love all of the pictures. However, I feel like I have cheated somehow by seeing him ahead of time. Does this mean I will be less excited when he actually gets here? I mean obviously I'll still be elated to actually hold him, but will I feel let down because I already know what he looks like? I know the 3D pictures are not exact, but they're pretty darn clear.  Either way I am really glad we did it. Worth every penny. John and I just keep staring at the pictures. We watched the DVD once already. I can't wait to show it at my baby shower. :)Look at my super cute, chubby cheeked boy!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Heads Up

Apparently my kid has a giant head. Ok it's not like, huge, just big. The doctor says it's perfectly normal. Unfortunately, now all I can think about is the fact that his big head has to come out at some point. The good news is he's doing just fine. We are super excited to get our 4D ultrasound done tomorrow! I'm hoping to have the DVD to play at my baby shower on Saturday. Speaking of which, holy crap, I can't believe my baby shower is on Saturday! I am SO excited!
Here's a picture of my big headed kid :)