Sunday, May 22, 2011

Throw It Up

I learned something new today. Acid reflux can actually make you throw up the entire contents of your stomach. Needless to say, my day did not start out well. I called the doctor and spent the day drinking fluids and feeling nauseous. Then I started having Braxton Hicks contractions a lot closer together than normal. So I called the doctor again. Poor lady probably thinks I'm nuts. Anyhoo, she sent me to bed for the day and told me to drink lots of water. This was supposed to make them subside. I have napped off and on all day and drunk about a gallon of water. Guess what, I still have them. So now we're trying to decide if I should call her again. She said earlier if they didn't subside to come to the hospital. I reeeeaaally don't want to do that. :(

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