Wednesday, April 6, 2011

On The Road Again

So tomorrow night we are leaving for a weekend trip to Georgia! I am very excited about this trip for some reason. If you've read my blog about our Spring Break trip, you know that I prefer short trips. This one will only be three nights, which is perfect. Also, we are traveling with my parents which is always super fun! The part that may be a little sad, is that I am actually looking forward to staying in hotels and having a free breakfast. I mean, it's the BEST part of the whole hotel experience! This is also my first time being an "out of town guest" at a wedding! I'm not sure why that's exciting, but it is. Then there's the fact that it's a wedding! I love weddings! Even though I can't take part in the drinking, I can still have the food! OH, and cake! Ok, I think Cole is excited now as well. Luckily this trip will not involve being in the middle of nowhere with a shady cell signal. It's pretty pathetic, but I am kind of addicted to Facebook. :)

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