Thursday, March 31, 2011

Twist and Shout

Let me walk you through my morning. After waking at least four times to use the bathroom last night, I was woken up thirty minutes before my alarm by a raging storm. Here's how it went down.
Me: "Baaaaabe!" (shaking John)
John: "Huh? What?"(with his eyes still closed)
Me: "Is that a tornado? Do you hear a tornado?!" (while frantically trying to turn on Bay News 9)
John: "No, it's just rain." (Rolling over)

At this point you may be wondering why I would be freaking out about tornadoes. Long story short, about two years ago John and I actually slept through a tornado as it ripped through our neighborhood. It woke us up long enough for me to turn on the TV, only to have the power go out. We then promptly went back to sleep. Let's just say our neighbors had a good laugh about it the next morning when we were clueless as to why there was debris everywhere.
Anyhoo, fast forward to this morning. This time I actually did get to watch the news, and then the power went out. So we had to get ready for work by candlelight. Which is super fun. Especially when you have to inject yourself.
I did learn a few things from this experience. First of all, we have no flashlights or battery powered radios. How is that even possible when we are both Floridians and should know better?  Secondly, I am so glad I didn't have to live before electricity was invented. Those people must have had horrible eyesight! Finally, pregnancy hormones will cause you to cry when you have to leave and drive to work in a mini hurricane.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Le Freak

Here's the thing. Sometimes, I forget I'm pregnant. Like I'll be doing something around the house and I'll look down and go DAMN, I'm totally pregnant! It's weird, and probably not normal. Even when Cole is kicking the crap out of me, I don't really think about it. Now that I am quickly approaching the third trimester I think it may be hitting me that there is actually a tiny human in there! His room is really looking like a nursery now, which is also a reminder of how real this is all becoming. I'm pretty sure that no matter how prepared and excited you are, it is still ok to freak out when it really hits home that you are HAVING A FREAKING BABY! LIKE A HUMAN LIFE THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OK, much better. That's all for now. Although there's a good chance it may happen again before this is all over. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Everybody Hurts

Sooooo, today I went to the hematologist for a check up. I have to go to her for the previously mentioned injections I have to do for my blood clotting disorder. So when I do these injections I sometimes get bruises and knots under my skin. Recently the knots have begun to hurt. So I tell the doctor this and she says the only thing I can really do is put some moist heat on them. So I think, no biggie, they don't hurt that bad or often. HA! You know when your car makes a noise and you take it in and of course it won't make the noise? Then as soon as you leave it starts making the noise? Well after I got home tonight, these knots started hurting with a vengeance. Of course. So I put a warm compress on it for a while. Not helping. So now I have to try to sleep, on my side, while not irritating the knots, located on both of my sides. Should be fun.

Ghetto update: I was walking the dog at 10:00 tonight and the neighbors kids are....wait for it...IN THE POOL! There are no words.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In the Ghetto

I live in the ghetto. Well, not really, but it feels that way sometimes. The problem is there are too many renters. I'm not saying that ALL renters are bad. But these people just don't care about taking care of their yards, houses or kids. The yards have like 5 foot tall weeds. There are like 7 cars in the driveway and they are constantly being worked on.  Their dogs run around without leashes.  I walk my dog at night and I am so sick of seeing their children outside at 10:30 at night. I mean really?! Then these same people will blame their kid's teachers when they don't do well in school. I almost went and said something the other night. Then I remembered that I'm a crazy pregnant lady and I should probably not be outside at night in my jammies yelling at people. :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Cole is kicking me right now. Like hard. I'm not quite used to this yet. I've been feeling him for a while, but it has gotten more predominate very suddenly. I am 25 weeks on Sunday and things are really getting "real" at this point. Like I may start freaking out if the room doesn't get finished soon. John thinks we have tons of time. Clearly he does not realize how quickly the time will go! So anyway, the new kicks are very exciting, and rather weird at the same time. It's like I'll forget for a minute that there's a tiny human in there and then WHAM he makes sure I remember. It's pretty cool :)
PS- Did I mention how HAPPY I am to be home and in my own bed again? I love my bed :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm Coming Home

Having a good time on vacation but I've realized that I'm more of a "weekend vacay " kinda girl. I like taking trips, but I find I'm kinda over it after a few days. We are heading home Thursday, but I wish we were leaving tomorrow.  I think when the trip takes up most of my vacation time it makes it feel like less of a vacation or something. I guess I would rather have more time at home. Especially now when all I can think about is getting the nursery ready. So next time I will know better and take a shorter trip.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Oh friends. I know you're going to be excited. I can now blog from my phone! This is just perfect timing since I'm currently on vacation.  We are staying on the St. Johns river and are so excited to go to St. Augustine tomorrow! John has never been so that makes it even more fun. The house we rented is not too bad. Not to thrilled about the well water though. The best part is Fitz got to come with us ! So anyway I'll keep you updated on our fun trip.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Once Bitten Twice Shy

Vampires. I'm obsessed with them. I love books, tv shows and movies about vampires. Most people know this about me. Many of my friends also enjoy them. But lets be serious, I loved them even before it was "socially acceptable". Although I still get made fun of because I also read Young Adult books about vampires. John thinks it's hilarious. For the record though, about 6 years ago, he totally bought me all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on dvd and watched them ALL with me. Which then prompted him to buy me all 5 seasons of Angel, which he also watched. He also loves True Blood and willingly watches the Twilight Saga movies. So there. I just can't get him to watch Vampire Diaries.  So what brought on this blog? I miss True Blood, and I decided to read Breaking Dawn again. Therefore, I have vampires on the brain. Also, I found some super cute onesies that Cole needs. They say "I crawl with vampires" and "I bite". :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Break Stuff

"It's the hormones", is my default now. Such a great excuse! Before I was just a bitch, now it's not my fault! Ok, maybe I'm still just a bitch. But my latest rant is totally valid. So John and I are going on a trip to St. Augustine for 5 days over Spring Break. I am super excited because I've been wanting to go for a while. However, I am also super pissed and annoyed for the following reasons:
1. I have to do all the packing for both of us
2. I have to run around and gather all items (including shopping for things) that need to be packed.
3. I have to clean out the trunk so we can fit suitcases into it.
4. I have to find and coordinate people to watch our 3 animals while we're away.
5. I have to make sure the house is clean before we leave so people taking care of said animals are not shocked, appalled and afraid to return.
Did I mention that I also have a meeting tomorrow afternoon and an engagement dinner Wednesday night? And what is my NON PREGNANT husband doing you may ask? Oh he's going to a hockey game on Friday night and maybe, if I'm lucky, he'll put the suitcases in the trunk for me. Can someone please explain how this is fair?! This happens every time we go out of town. Why are men incapable of packing?! Well this time, I am playing the pregnant card. If he doesn't help, we aren't going!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Shot Through the Heart

Tonight we had a lovely evening at our friends' house eating and visiting. We got home around 10:30 and as I'm getting ready for bed I realize that I am an idiot. I was supposed to go to Publix after work today to pick up my prescription refill and I totally forgot. Which wouldn't be a big deal, except this is a prescription for injections that I have to do at the same time (8:00am) every morning to ensure that Cole & I don't get any blood clots. So of course now I'm freaking out about not getting my shot on time. John assures me that they open at 8 and I can simply be waiting at the door. Luckily we live close to Publix and I can rush home to do the injection. However, that also means that the shot will be about 10 minutes late. Even worse, I will have to be dressed and out the door by 7:50. ON A SATURDAY! Why am I such an idiot?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sweet Emotion

Cupcakes are amazing. I especially love Publix cupcakes. However, I decided today to make my own. From scratch. So I went online and found recipes for cupcakes and frosting that looked pretty simple.  Let's just say I get an A for effort. The cupcakes are pretty good, just a little heavy for my taste. The frosting is definitely too thin and just OK. So it wasn't the stunning achievement I envisioned, but I will still be eating them all. As of right now, Cole is very serious about his cupcakes. And Cole gets what he wants. :) It has nothing whatsoever to do with me. Nope, not at all.

Mine do not look even remotely this good.