Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Once Bitten Twice Shy

Vampires. I'm obsessed with them. I love books, tv shows and movies about vampires. Most people know this about me. Many of my friends also enjoy them. But lets be serious, I loved them even before it was "socially acceptable". Although I still get made fun of because I also read Young Adult books about vampires. John thinks it's hilarious. For the record though, about 6 years ago, he totally bought me all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on dvd and watched them ALL with me. Which then prompted him to buy me all 5 seasons of Angel, which he also watched. He also loves True Blood and willingly watches the Twilight Saga movies. So there. I just can't get him to watch Vampire Diaries.  So what brought on this blog? I miss True Blood, and I decided to read Breaking Dawn again. Therefore, I have vampires on the brain. Also, I found some super cute onesies that Cole needs. They say "I crawl with vampires" and "I bite". :)

1 comment:

  1. You totally need to get those onesies! I don't know if I told you or not, but has TONS of fun sayings (that I usually rip off and make my own!) There were some Buffy ones that made me think of you!
