Thursday, March 31, 2011

Twist and Shout

Let me walk you through my morning. After waking at least four times to use the bathroom last night, I was woken up thirty minutes before my alarm by a raging storm. Here's how it went down.
Me: "Baaaaabe!" (shaking John)
John: "Huh? What?"(with his eyes still closed)
Me: "Is that a tornado? Do you hear a tornado?!" (while frantically trying to turn on Bay News 9)
John: "No, it's just rain." (Rolling over)

At this point you may be wondering why I would be freaking out about tornadoes. Long story short, about two years ago John and I actually slept through a tornado as it ripped through our neighborhood. It woke us up long enough for me to turn on the TV, only to have the power go out. We then promptly went back to sleep. Let's just say our neighbors had a good laugh about it the next morning when we were clueless as to why there was debris everywhere.
Anyhoo, fast forward to this morning. This time I actually did get to watch the news, and then the power went out. So we had to get ready for work by candlelight. Which is super fun. Especially when you have to inject yourself.
I did learn a few things from this experience. First of all, we have no flashlights or battery powered radios. How is that even possible when we are both Floridians and should know better?  Secondly, I am so glad I didn't have to live before electricity was invented. Those people must have had horrible eyesight! Finally, pregnancy hormones will cause you to cry when you have to leave and drive to work in a mini hurricane.

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