Thursday, March 24, 2011

Everybody Hurts

Sooooo, today I went to the hematologist for a check up. I have to go to her for the previously mentioned injections I have to do for my blood clotting disorder. So when I do these injections I sometimes get bruises and knots under my skin. Recently the knots have begun to hurt. So I tell the doctor this and she says the only thing I can really do is put some moist heat on them. So I think, no biggie, they don't hurt that bad or often. HA! You know when your car makes a noise and you take it in and of course it won't make the noise? Then as soon as you leave it starts making the noise? Well after I got home tonight, these knots started hurting with a vengeance. Of course. So I put a warm compress on it for a while. Not helping. So now I have to try to sleep, on my side, while not irritating the knots, located on both of my sides. Should be fun.

Ghetto update: I was walking the dog at 10:00 tonight and the neighbors kids are....wait for it...IN THE POOL! There are no words.

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