Monday, March 28, 2011

Le Freak

Here's the thing. Sometimes, I forget I'm pregnant. Like I'll be doing something around the house and I'll look down and go DAMN, I'm totally pregnant! It's weird, and probably not normal. Even when Cole is kicking the crap out of me, I don't really think about it. Now that I am quickly approaching the third trimester I think it may be hitting me that there is actually a tiny human in there! His room is really looking like a nursery now, which is also a reminder of how real this is all becoming. I'm pretty sure that no matter how prepared and excited you are, it is still ok to freak out when it really hits home that you are HAVING A FREAKING BABY! LIKE A HUMAN LIFE THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OK, much better. That's all for now. Although there's a good chance it may happen again before this is all over. :)

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