Monday, March 7, 2011

Break Stuff

"It's the hormones", is my default now. Such a great excuse! Before I was just a bitch, now it's not my fault! Ok, maybe I'm still just a bitch. But my latest rant is totally valid. So John and I are going on a trip to St. Augustine for 5 days over Spring Break. I am super excited because I've been wanting to go for a while. However, I am also super pissed and annoyed for the following reasons:
1. I have to do all the packing for both of us
2. I have to run around and gather all items (including shopping for things) that need to be packed.
3. I have to clean out the trunk so we can fit suitcases into it.
4. I have to find and coordinate people to watch our 3 animals while we're away.
5. I have to make sure the house is clean before we leave so people taking care of said animals are not shocked, appalled and afraid to return.
Did I mention that I also have a meeting tomorrow afternoon and an engagement dinner Wednesday night? And what is my NON PREGNANT husband doing you may ask? Oh he's going to a hockey game on Friday night and maybe, if I'm lucky, he'll put the suitcases in the trunk for me. Can someone please explain how this is fair?! This happens every time we go out of town. Why are men incapable of packing?! Well this time, I am playing the pregnant card. If he doesn't help, we aren't going!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! Chris's idea of packing is laying out all his clothes. What more could I possibly want him to do?!? And now with Chase, I have to start making a list and crossing things off because he uses everything that we need to bring on a daily basis. And since I only get 3-4 hours of awake time with him after work, there's no way I'm doing it then. Saturday is going to be one 'fun' day...
