Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Kids Aren't Alright

As a teacher I am exposed to all types of children. After ten years in this profession, I still find myself wondering why. Why do these kids have such horrible parents? Why do I even bother coming to work? More than anything now that I have a child of my own I think, what can I do to NOT have my kid turn out this way. What did these parents do that I can avoid? I have to remind myself daily that these children are not responsible for their horrible parents and I shouldn't take it out on them. It is not their fault that no one disciplines them. It is not their fault that their parents ignore them, or spoil them, or do everything for them. So where do these parents go wrong? Let's be clear that when I say parents, I am referring to about 75% of parents. Not all of them. There are still well adjusted, well behaved kids out there. They are just the minority. So, do we blame society? Do we blame the media? Or do we as parents start taking responsibility for raising our children? I can tell you for sure that your child's teacher is sick of doing it for you! Obviously there have always been bad parents with bad children. I just feel like it is getting worse and worse. Every day I spend with these kids makes me more committed to raising a well behaved, RESPECTFUL, young man.


  1. i CAN say that i can see how parents would "give up" on the discipline; it's easier. my kid's only a year and a half old, and he WEARS ME OUT, but guess what?- i may be worn out - but I WON!!! THAT'S what those parents don't get. giving in a little here and there in the beginning turns up being giving in MOST of the time. Which results in a big kid who thinks bothering mom enough will get his way. which ALSO means that same kid will annoy the FUCK out of his teacher thinking he'll get his way at school too. and when he doesn't, he becomes disrespectful and douchey.

    i could go on and on.
