Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Born To Run

I think I mentioned in a previous post that I will be running the Gasparilla 5k on March 3rd. I'm super excited, as this is my first 5k since having the baby. So I have been running about every other day. Today I ran two miles! This might not sound like much, but I haven't done it in over a year. Obviously I need to do 3.1 for the race, but I'm better under pressure. So I think I'll be sticking to two miles for a few weeks. My cousin has taken up running recently, and she's already up to four miles! I'm not sure I'll ever get past three. In an effort to continue my weight loss, I'm trying to cut down on sweets. The other day I realized that I'm addicted to chocolate. Not quite as bad as I was with cigarettes, but I'm pretty sure I replaced cigarettes with chocolate. When we don't have chocolate in the house I kind of panic. Which is what used to happen when I ran out of cigarettes. It's not quite as bad, since I don't immediately go buy chocolate, but it could be a problem. Tonight I had strawberries for dessert. They would have been better dipped in chocolate. Yay for me.


  1. Great job Chrissy!! I am running a race on March 3rd too. I wish we lived closer so we could sign up for a race together!!

  2. I also wanted to tell you that someone recommended a "foam roller" to help with my knee troubles. I bought one at Fleet Feet. My knee has felt sooo much better since stretching with the roller.

  3. Hmmm, I will look into it. Thanks :)
