Friday, January 27, 2012

That'll Be The Day

There is something to be said for "the good old days".  Recently I've been thinking about how much I wish I could be home with Cole.  Don't get me wrong, I like having a purpose and somewhere to go every day. It's just that I feel like my purpose has changed. Before Cole I was molding the youth, changing the world one bratty pre teen at a time. Now, I have a son to raise! THAT should be my purpose, and yet here I sit, while my son grows up at Grandma's. (Side note: I am fully aware that going to Grandma's every day is the BEST situation ever! We are SO lucky!) I recognize that being a teacher is an ideal career for child rearing. I get weekends, holidays and summers with him. Plus I'm home by four every day. Really I'm getting more time with him than many other working Moms.  So why do I still feel guilty?  I think this feeling is natural and it makes me wonder.  Do I feel guilty because I am meant to stay home? As a female am I just wired for it? Did our grandparents have it right? Are we really better off now?  Let's not get crazy, of course women deserve equal rights, equal pay, etc. I firmly believe a women should be able to support herself through gaining an education and establishing a career. However, what if after that, you just want to be a Mom for a while? Is that so bad? Isn't it worth cutting out the excess expense to make it happen? So what if I have to watch True Blood on DVD instead of paying for HBO? I would be willing to make the sacrifices, if it were that simple. I just don't want to end up hurting someone because I am annoyed when it comes to this topic. Like when someone uses the acronym SAHM (stay at home mom) when talking about themselves. I want to punch the SAHM in the face! Also, please don't complain about how you have to go back to work after staying home with your kid for a year! No one feels sorry for you. At the end of the day, we all do the best we can. (well, most of us) My point is, maybe this liberated woman stuff isn't all it's cracked up to be. ;)

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