Wednesday, January 18, 2012

She's Got Legs

My newest pet peeve is leggings. Or more specifically, females wearing them incorrectly. Working in a middle school, I see all kinds of fashion mistakes.  This is understandable since these little girls are just getting their bearings when it comes to choosing their own ensembles. Sometimes, they get it right. More often, they are oh so wrong. But that's OK. They're young and have time to learn and change. We all remember the ridiculous things we wore in middle school. What really bothers me are the grown women out there making the same mistakes as a twelve year old. Ladies, leggings and tights are meant to be worn UNDER your clothing. Think of them like you would a pair of pantyhose. I mean, how hard is it to cover your butt? Now I understand there are exceptions. Maybe you are wearing some very thick leggings to work out in. The gym would be an acceptable place for these. Possibly you have a pair of thick and shiny leggings that you would wear to a club with a longer shirt. OK, I'll let that slide. But if these two situations do not apply to you, then you need to go home and put some clothes on. I do not want to see every detail of your lower anatomy. I feel embarrassed for you that you left the house with no pants on. I found a very simple Do's & Don'ts guide from Ladies Home Journal, that may be helpful.

Dos and Don'ts

When wearing leggings, there are some dos and don'ts that can mean the difference between fashion plate and fashion victim.
Do layer leggings under pieces that are long enough to cover your behind.
Don't wear leggings with short tops. Think of them as tights, not stretchy pants.
Do keep it simple: Black leggings are the most elegant, and they match everything.
Don't choose leggings in bright colors or wild patterns unless you're a teenager. Neutral shades are much more sophisticated and flattering.
Do choose a length that flatters. "Be sure to pick a pair that stops at the thinnest part of your calf," advises Misty Elliot, spokesperson for Spanx. "For most women, leggings look best in longer lengths."
Don't wear leggings that stop above the middle of the calf: This faux pas makes legs look shorter.

1 comment:

  1. Assertions like "you need to go home and put some pants on" are simply incorrect. Your ignorance of how great I look in leggings is really disturbing, as is your prescribed definition of what is acceptable. The median age of the Ladies Home Journal reader is 56.1, which would explain their outlook on leggings. LHJ is so aware of their aging audience and the fact that most people begin subscribing right around the time that they receive their AARP card, that they are actively bidding to attract a younger audience. I guess you have taken the bait? Some people have the boobs (and lack of back fat) to wear skin tight tube tops, and look super hot while doing so. Some people have the ass and legs for days, allowing them to look incredible in leggings as pants, with no underwear, I might add-which totally negates that whole see through patterned underwear issue. Finally, on behalf of pregnant woman everywhere who just want to be comfortable and not spend ungodly amounts of money on disgusting Kangaroo pouch pants that swallow us up to our sternums… I will continue to rock the leggings because I can. Don’t hate the plaaaaayaaaaa!!!!
