Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lets Get Physical

My body is gross. Like I look at myself and think, "I would not be attracted to this". Now that the baby is 6 months old it's time to get serious about losing weight. I gained 20 pounds with him and that was gone within the first 6 weeks. Obviously, being pleasantly plump to begin with, I didn't need to gain too much while pregnant. That's all great and everything, but I've only lost about 3 extra pounds after the initial 20. At least I'm not gaining any. Unfortunately, that's probably from the breastfeeding, which will not last forever. So, I've signed up to run the 5k at Gasparilla. I really miss running and this will be my first race since I got pregnant. Some of the girls at work who have never done it before will be running it as well, which makes it more fun. So, it's time to get my butt in gear. I only ran twice last week. I'm currently sitting on the couch trying to motivate myself to go run in the cold. I'm super pissed that I washed (yeah, like in the washing machine) my cell phone today and now I don't have my cardio trainer app! However, I can't use that as an excuse to be a lazy slob. So I guess I'll get off my butt and go. But I'm rewarding myself with some vodka later. ;)


  1. May I suggest the FlatBelly Diet, You can get the book at Target for $12. Its not really a diet, more just a good look at what you should eat with what and a 3 day very clean eating start that will make you feel great and give you results to make you want to keep going! Nothing crazy, just good combos of food.

  2. Chrissy I love the "get my butt in gear". I know exactly how you feel!! That is amazing that first of all you only gained 20 pounds during your pregnancy and that you've already lost that 20 pounds. Unfortunately I rewarded myself with some wine and two Fat Tires. I was not happy this morning!
