Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blame It On The Alcohol

Grey Goose. It's my favorite vodka. As many of my friends will tell you, I'm not a huge drinker. Never have been. However, the last few years I have acquired a taste for vodka. As in, it's all I drink. Mostly mixed with OJ or Cranberry. Although I'm not opposed to mixing it with a Slurpee now and then. So this weekend I have been around quite a few people enjoying some drinks. I must say, I am missing my Grey Goose. As a matter of fact, I actually sniffed a friends drink just to smell the vodka. No really, I'm not kidding. On a normal basis I only drink like once a week, or every other week. But now I just WANT to drink, cause I know I can't. *sigh* Only eighteen more weeks! Oh, wait, I forgot about the breastfeeding. Son of a *&%$!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapel of Love

Today my cousin got engaged! This is super exciting not just because she's getting married, and that's wonderful, but also because it means I get to help plan a wedding!  So not only am I in full baby planning mode, I am now filled with wedding ideas! This is going to make concentrating on anything else very difficult.  I have typed up a list of everything that needs to get done before the baby comes. Which for some reason grows daily. Now I also have a wedding checklist. (I love lists!)  I just emailed my cousin with a few things to do to get us started. I hope she realizes what she's gotten herself into. ;)

PS- Here's one of my favorite wedding pics. I'm kinda partial to this guy :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Video Killed The Radio Star

Let me vent for a minute about the ridiculousness of parents in our society.  Why exactly do parents think it's OK for their kids to spend hours playing computer and video games? These things are not teaching your child anything other than how to shoot someone and steal a car.  Do you know what elementary school age boys talk about any time they get the chance? Games. What games they have, the games they want, what level their on, how they beat it, the list goes on.  Our children do not have critical thinking or problem solving skills. Their grammar and spelling are atrocious.  However, they can tell you all of the cheat codes to their favorite games. Here's a tip, if your child tells you they have no homework, they're lying. Take the controllers away and give him/her a book!

Monday, February 21, 2011

True Colors

Today was fantastic! Not only did I have a great day with mom at the beach, but I also picked out all of the fabrics for Cole's room! I can not wait to start sewing and painting. One of my fabulous friends is making a quilt for me. I'm going to make pillows and some picture frames. It just feels so great to have a theme and colors chosen. There's still so much to do, but I feel like things are finally moving along. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Get Outta Your Mind

"What if there's a tornado and we don't get to him fast enough because we sleep through it? Like the roof gets ripped off. Shouldn't he be against a center wall?" This is the question I asked my husband today when discussing whether or not we had chosen the right room for Cole's nursery. I'm freaking out about him being in the room farthest from us. John calmly pointed out that he will be against a block wall, and that we have a ridiculously awesome video monitor that my parents got us. Also, his room is right next to the other room, and it will take the same amount of time to get there from our room. I'm not sure this line of thinking bodes well for my future as a parent. I'm already a pessimist and 'worst case scenario' professional. I can only imagine what new neurosis this little boy will bring.
PS- Here's a picture 21 weeks and counting!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Boys Are Back In Town

"It's a boy!" Not what I was expecting folks, not at all. So after shedding a few tears (I have no control over my emotions), I have come to terms with John getting his way. As usual. The important thing is that our little guy has all the correct parts, in all the correct places! I felt much better once I saw all those fingers and toes. After the appointment we went straight to Babies R Us to add to our registry. While registering is super fun, it's also very overwhelming. I'm feeling a little unprepared right now since we have no boy name picked out and no nursery ideas. Luckily there is plenty of time!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm So Excited

I may not sleep tonight. I am so excited for my ultrasound tomorrow! I really can't believe I am already halfway through my pregnancy. It is just amazing to me how quickly it has gone. Mostly I'm realizing that finding out whether we are having a boy or girl kind of makes it more real. This is the point where we get to really start planning. Which, in case you don't know me, I live for.  I just know that once we are able to register and finish the nursery it will really start to sink in that this is happening. I've been pretty chill with the whole thing and haven't really allowed myself to buy things or plan too much ahead. Tomorrow it is on! After the doctor, we will be going straight to Babies R Us to finish up our registry. Sadly, before all this fun can begin,  I have to go to work and sit through a half day meeting analyzing data. Oh goody.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Will Survive

Today would have been my due date had I not lost the baby in July. I got a little upset this morning, but I am so thankful to be pregnant again. I know this day would be a lot harder if I weren't. Having a miscarriage was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. The surgery just made it worse. You don't really prepare yourself for something like that. I don't think anyone really thinks it will happen to them. I also never thought getting pregnant would be hard. When something like this happens you realize how precious life is, and what a miracle it really is that any of us are here. There are SO many little things that have to be just exactly right. It seems so easy,  women get pregnant every day. I didn't realize what a roller coaster ride having a baby would be. I wasn't prepared for this journey. I feel like I've come a long way, but I don't think you can ever fully heal from this. I do know what I learned from it. I learned that no matter your religious beliefs, creating life is a privilege women should be extremely grateful for. I also learned that my husband is the most wonderful, caring and supportive person. I can't even explain all the ways he has healed me and made me a better person. Finally, I learned that I have the best family and friends anyone could ever have. They have been better therapists than money could ever buy. I can't imagine where I would be with out them. I know I'm not alone. I know there are millions of women out there that have dealt with this. My story is not rare or more heartbreaking. But these people in my life made it OK to be sad and feel sorry for myself.  And then they gave me the determination to stand up, dust myself off, and try again. And that, is why I love them.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dream On

I have been having some crazy dreams. Like nightmares and what not. Not cool. I must say I am not a fan. I don't mind the ones about babies though, those are fun. I am very excited that I have a busy weekend of fun planned. Tomorrow I am visiting my parents and doing a photo shoot for one of the cutest little boys I know. Then Sunday it's FAIR TIME! Most people who know me will understand why a day of cheerleading and funnel cake is thrilling to me. With all this excitement I may have forgotten to even think about getting my husband a Valentine's Day gift. I mean really, having me as his wife is enough of a gift. However, he may be expecting something more. We usually don't spend money on each other for Valentine's, because we're usually broke. So I need something quick and cheap. Maybe I'll bake him something? Or I could always just bring him a churro home from the fair....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pop Goes The Weasel

Holy belly! It was pointed out to me today that my belly has grown. I guess I really don't notice as much since I see it every day. I seem to be busting out of ALL of my clothes though. Even the first maternity pants I bought no longer fit comfortably. The other day while driving home I actually had to pull my pants down half way because I couldn't breathe! True story. Luckily I had a sweater to cover myself with. So I bought a new pair of pants for work.(consignment) That means I now have ONE pair of works pants. Not good. Maternity clothes are WAY expensive. So I may have to start hounding people for hand me downs! (hint, hint) Anyway, I'll take some pics soon. The ones I have are not post worthy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Spoonful of Sugar

Top Ten Things That Annoy Me (not necessarily in this order)

1. Pasco County
2. Stupid People (most of which live in Pasco County)
3. Teachers who can't spell and/or use incorrect grammar.
4. People who insist on using big words incorrectly. (Buy a dictionary)
5. Red Lights
6. People who assume I know nothing about children just because I don't have one yet. (You're wrong)
7. People who think it's ok to rub someone's stomach just because they're pregnant. (It's not)
8. Laundry
9. Dirty dishes in the sink
10. The amount of money athletes and entertainers make. (RIDICULOUS!)

Top Ten Reasons To Be Happy
1. Being Alive
2. Being pregnant
3. My husband
4. The best parents ever
5. I have a job
6. I am healthy
7. I live in Florida
8. My dog
9. My cat
10. My friends

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lookout Weekend

Torture is not cool. Waiting the remaining eight days until my ultrasound is torture. Why this twenty week rule? It's ridiculous! Other people find out WAY earlier. Even my students are annoyed by this. They are counting down the days. The calendar at school says "Baby Day" on the 16th.
Luckily I have something else to look forward to that will occupy some of my time. On Sunday I'm going to the State Fair to watch the allstar cheerleading competition. Obviously this makes me crazy happy. Not only is it a day filled with cheerleading, but there's also a silly amount of food. Not just any food. Fair food. I think you all understand where I'm going with this. So, if I can just get through this week without strangling any kids or coworkers, a day of fattening food and fun awaits me!

Ps- Is anyone catching on to my post titles?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

This Heart

So one of my fantastic friends (Emmie) let me borrow her at home doppler. Folks, let me just tell you this is the best invention ever. What did people ever do without these? Today I was freaking a little because I hadn't felt the baby move all day. Even though I know this is totally normal, I'm kind of a pessimist. Shocker right? Anyway, I was reminded by my brilliant friend that I can listen to my baby's heartbeat ANY TIME I WANT! It is still hard to hear and takes some time to find, but it was there! I have a feeling this may become a daily occurrence and possible addiction.

On a completely unrelated note, why are these kids on Glee wasting completely good slushies all the time? Now I want one. UGH!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Age of Aquarius

So it's been decided that I am officially a "hippy". (John and Emmie are convinced the baby will be coming out with long hair and Birkenstocks, wearing an organic cotton onesie.)  I didn't exactly set out to be this way, it just kind of happened. I have reusable bags, I recycle, I started my own garden, which was all acceptable. Then a little while after John and I had begun trying to have a baby I switched to all natural cleaning products. Of course that led to switching all of my toiletries and makeup.  During my first pregnancy I started trying to eat as much fresh, all natural or organic food as our meager income will allow.  John now thinks I'm nuts. However, he is usually a good sport. Today we went to the farmers market at Wiregrass Mall not too far from our house. They have hydroponic, pesticide free produce. I was really excited about it because they only do it once a month. It's actually pretty big and there was a great selection. Even John was impressed! (Trust me, that doesn't happen often.) Bottom line, living this way makes me feel better about myself and my health. I mean if the rest of you want to fill your bodies with disgusting harmful chemicals it's totally cool, and I won't judge you for it. Especially not those of you throwing away all of your trash and filling our landfills with non-biodegradable crap. I mean it's fine if your kids don't have a nice planet to live on right? Nope, not judging, not judging at all. ;)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ya'll Gonna Make Me Lose My Mind!

Let's be honest. I'm not exactly good at mincing words. I'm actually shocked that I still have a job. Or friends. Or a husband. Anyway,  today I bit my tongue and I'm rather proud of myself. However, this means I must now rant to you all. Apparently the people in charge of my school think we have no rights. Today we were told not to speak negatively about our jobs on Facebook. Um, I'm sorry, am I no longer an American citizen? Last time I checked there was some silly document that guaranteed me FREEDOM OF SPEECH! I am not stupid, I don't name names, I don't talk about students. But if I want to say something negative like, I AM SICK OF THIS JOB, I will damn well do it. And if they don't like it, they can try to fire me. I pay my Union dues for a reason. Ahhhh, all better.
So on a happy note, my little mini person is busy buzzing around in my belly. It is the coolest/weirdest feeling ever! The other day at work I sat down and sighed and a student asked what was wrong. One of the girls answered for me. "The baby's taking over her body!" HA!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

I was recently inspired by a friend to start a blog. I've always wanted to, but never felt I had anything interesting to say. So what's different now? Well, for one I'm pregnant and therefore my entire life is about to change. Also, I'm older and wiser now.  Of course, that doesn't mean anyone will read this, but that's ok. I'm planning to use it as a journal. To remember my pregnancy, talk about being a new mom, chronicle trying to stay sane in this crazy world, and possibly to complain about stuff in general. Best case scenario, people I'm close to get to keep up with my life, as boring as it may be, and I get free therapy. Worst case, my friends disown me and I start getting hate mail. Either way, fun times.