Friday, February 11, 2011

Dream On

I have been having some crazy dreams. Like nightmares and what not. Not cool. I must say I am not a fan. I don't mind the ones about babies though, those are fun. I am very excited that I have a busy weekend of fun planned. Tomorrow I am visiting my parents and doing a photo shoot for one of the cutest little boys I know. Then Sunday it's FAIR TIME! Most people who know me will understand why a day of cheerleading and funnel cake is thrilling to me. With all this excitement I may have forgotten to even think about getting my husband a Valentine's Day gift. I mean really, having me as his wife is enough of a gift. However, he may be expecting something more. We usually don't spend money on each other for Valentine's, because we're usually broke. So I need something quick and cheap. Maybe I'll bake him something? Or I could always just bring him a churro home from the fair....

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