Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Spoonful of Sugar

Top Ten Things That Annoy Me (not necessarily in this order)

1. Pasco County
2. Stupid People (most of which live in Pasco County)
3. Teachers who can't spell and/or use incorrect grammar.
4. People who insist on using big words incorrectly. (Buy a dictionary)
5. Red Lights
6. People who assume I know nothing about children just because I don't have one yet. (You're wrong)
7. People who think it's ok to rub someone's stomach just because they're pregnant. (It's not)
8. Laundry
9. Dirty dishes in the sink
10. The amount of money athletes and entertainers make. (RIDICULOUS!)

Top Ten Reasons To Be Happy
1. Being Alive
2. Being pregnant
3. My husband
4. The best parents ever
5. I have a job
6. I am healthy
7. I live in Florida
8. My dog
9. My cat
10. My friends

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