Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

I was recently inspired by a friend to start a blog. I've always wanted to, but never felt I had anything interesting to say. So what's different now? Well, for one I'm pregnant and therefore my entire life is about to change. Also, I'm older and wiser now.  Of course, that doesn't mean anyone will read this, but that's ok. I'm planning to use it as a journal. To remember my pregnancy, talk about being a new mom, chronicle trying to stay sane in this crazy world, and possibly to complain about stuff in general. Best case scenario, people I'm close to get to keep up with my life, as boring as it may be, and I get free therapy. Worst case, my friends disown me and I start getting hate mail. Either way, fun times.


  1. how about no mentioning people you want to cut by *name*? fun times for sure.

  2. ps - did NOT know my google account name is 'cakeballs'. heehee.

  3. haha this is AMAZING! I cannot wait to crack up as I read this... good times indeed!
