Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blame It On The Alcohol

Grey Goose. It's my favorite vodka. As many of my friends will tell you, I'm not a huge drinker. Never have been. However, the last few years I have acquired a taste for vodka. As in, it's all I drink. Mostly mixed with OJ or Cranberry. Although I'm not opposed to mixing it with a Slurpee now and then. So this weekend I have been around quite a few people enjoying some drinks. I must say, I am missing my Grey Goose. As a matter of fact, I actually sniffed a friends drink just to smell the vodka. No really, I'm not kidding. On a normal basis I only drink like once a week, or every other week. But now I just WANT to drink, cause I know I can't. *sigh* Only eighteen more weeks! Oh, wait, I forgot about the breastfeeding. Son of a *&%$!


  1. well... at least I know what to get you once this is all said and done! wonder if they offer a life-time subscription?!
